Mutorials is a completely free, adaptive, challenging, and open-source science trainer that currently has over 2000 questions in its database. Furthermore, it has detailed performance analytics and fun game modes! Led by dedicated high schoolers who have scored well in AP and IB classes/exams and science competitions, Mutorials’s team understands the hardships of students at an intimate level and is dedicated to help solve these problems. Mutorials is partnering with Biology for Better, so we can further spread our passion for STEM and problem-solving to communities that may not have access to the internet. To do this, we will provide rural communities diligently crafted worksheets whose quality surpasses that of standard AP/IB curricula. If you are interested in joining the Mutorials team and bettering the access and quality of STEM education (by coding or problem writing or marketing), you can join our team by clicking one of the links below (volunteer hours are provided).
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